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Who was Dr. John Lee?Views: 724
Oct 12, 2007 6:04 pmWho was Dr. John Lee?#

Nita Lopez
Who was Dr. John Lee?

D R. J O H N R. L E E

Dr. John Lee graduated cum laude from Harvard and the University Of Minnesota Medical School in 1955. For nearly a decade, Dr. Lee used transdermal progesterone in his medical practice - its use resulting in a reversal of osteoporosis. Dr. Lee, who retired from a 30 year family practice, is the author of several well known books and traveled around the world speaking to doctors, scientists and lay people about progesterone. Dr. Lee also taught a very popular course on "Optimal Health" at the College of Marin for 15 years.

In 1994, Dr. Lee wrote, "Natural Progesterone: the Multiple Roles of a Remarkable Hormone." Co-authored with Virgina Hopkins:, Dr. Lee wrote the best-selling, "What Your Doctor May Not tell You About Menopause: The Breakthrough Book on Natural Progesterone" (Warner, 1996). His second book is, "What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Premenopause: Balance Your Hormones And Your Life From Thirty to Fifty" (Warner, 1999). Next book that Dr. John Lee wrote is, “What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Breast Cancer” (Warner Books 2002) Oh, my he wrote a book specifically for men; “Hormone Balance for Men: What your doctor may not tell you about prostate health and natural hormone supplementation” (Hormones Etc 2003) And now Mrs. John Lee and Virginia Hopkins has taken all of Dr. Lee’s notes and made it simpler to understand; the doctor speaking from heaven! Could this be the last book, by Dr. John Lee? “Dr. John Lee's Hormone Balance Made Simple” (Hormones Etc 2006)

I have read Dr. John Lee’s books and I have listened to his audio cd’s. He has an awesome sense of humor. Dr. John Lee was the pioneer and expert in the study and use of the hormone progesterone, and on the subject of hormone replacement therapy for women. His research showed that it can reverse osteoporosis, by using transdermal progesterone. Against the odds of no financial backing and the courage to speak out against the medical direction of HRT’s (Hormone Replacement Therapy) Through his only private practice studies he was able to coin the phrase “Estrogen Dominance”, which means too much estrogen and not enough progesterone to bring our hormones into harmony. This is where Dr. John Lee was able pin point a list of symptoms that are associated with Hormone imbalance.

This man was brilliant and did not let the ugly world of the “Big Pharma” scare him! Thousands of women who follow his guidelines are grateful for the wonderful changes to their health and life. What can we do to honor this glorious man? Go out to share and educate one person at a time. Help me educate the populist that are vulnerable. Tell them there are choices besides prescription drugs without the bad side effects.

I humbly bow to the late Dr. John Lee
cc Nita Lopez, Oct 17th, 2007

-- Few things in life are not negotiable,your health is one of them
Blessings, Nita

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