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Curb the weight gain w/ healthier lifestyle in 2006! Good TipsViews: 865
Dec 27, 2005 3:42 pmCurb the weight gain w/ healthier lifestyle in 2006! Good Tips#

John Escobar
How to Break the Weight-Gain Cycle

It's an American paradox: In a country obsessed with dieting and weight loss, we have a disproportionately large number of overweight people. In fact, two-thirds of American adults and nearly one-third of children are overweight or obese, putting them at increased risk for an array of health risks.

Ironically, according to Ray D. Strand, MD, author of Healthy for Life (Real Life), we continue to ignore the root cause of obesity -- insulin resistance and the inability to properly process glucose and fat stores. He believes that if people were able to tame insulin resistance, they would lose weight and at the same time prevent obesity-related health problems.

The earlier you get on top of insulin resistance, the greater the chance you have of reversing it and avoiding diabetes or high blood pressure. How to go about this? It's simple: Develop a healthy lifestyle.

Insulin Resistance -- A Primer

In order to get to the bottom of insulin resistance, let's first take a closer look at insulin's proper role in the body. Insulin is normally released into the bloodstream in response to elevated glucose (blood sugar) levels after you eat. Its role is to push glucose out of the bloodstream and into the cells of the body, where it is converted into energy. When you develop insulin resistance, however, this system goes awry and the body no longer can make efficient use of insulin. The result is uncontrollable food cravings, increased emotional eating and an inability to lose weight no matter how hard you try.

When you suffer from insulin resistance, it is as if your body holds on to fat like a sponge holds on to water, says Dr. Strand. He adds that insulin resistance and its devastating consequences are no sudden, random occurrence. They sneak up over the course of many years, gradually eroding your health. Their roots lie in the way most Americans eat.

A Vicious Cycle -- Carbohydrate Addiction and Insulin Abuse

The typical American diet includes far too many fast foods, chips, cookies, doughnuts, bread and soft drinks. Atkins high-protein craze aside, we've become carbohydrate addicts in this country, warns Dr. Strand. Simple sugars quickly flood the bloodstream, and in response, the body furiously pumps out insulin. This, in turn, leads to an abrupt crash in blood sugar and a drop in energy that leaves you craving more carbs, and the vicious cycle continues -- more carbs, more blood sugar, more insulin, etc.

As time goes on and insulin converts excess glucose into fat, you put on weight, which makes the body's cells more resistant to insulin. The pancreas responds by pumping out still more insulin in an increasingly vain attempt to try to force glucose into cells. The bloodstream is left awash in excess glucose.

In people with insulin resistance, blood sugar is not high enough (yet) to constitute diabetes, but it is higher than normal. If you do nothing to change your ways and break the cycle, eventually you will tip over into the abnormal metabolic state known as metabolic syndrome (also called Syndrome X). Characteristics of this devastating syndrome -- shared by 25% of the adult population of the US -- include obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, abnormal cholesterol, elevated triglycerides, cardiovascular disease and, in women, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS).

How to Tame Insulin Resistance

Full-blown metabolic syndrome doesn't develop overnight, emphasizes Dr. Strand. It is a result of years and years of poor daily food and activity choices. The good news is that you can break the vicious cycle of carbohydrate addiction and insulin abuse, slowing down and even reversing the development of obesity and type 2 diabetes. However, there's no quick fix, no easy pill to pop -- the only way you can overcome these obstacles is by developing and following a healthy lifestyle.


According to Dr. Strand, there are a number of measurable warning signs for insulin resistance, in which case you need to take action. Warning signs of insulin resistance are...

Expanding waist size. Beware of a waist circumference of 29 or more inches in women and 34 or more inches in men.
Any slight elevation in blood pressure. Even a measurement of 130/85 can be an early sign of insulin resistance.
Elevated blood sugar. Ask your doctor to give you a fasting blood sugar test. A result above 100 (or even approaching 100) is a red flag.

A decrease in HDL or good cholesterol (below 50 for women, or below 40 for men), which is often accompanied by increasing triglyceride levels. Dr. Strand calculates a simple ratio by dividing a person's triglyceride level by his/her HDL level. If the resulting triglyceride/HDL ratio is greater than two, this is another warning sign.
Three Steps to Reversing Insulin Sensitivity

Once you and your physician have identified the problem, the answer is to promote a healthy lifestyle that enhances insulin sensitivity and works to reverse the problem and reduce long-term health risks. Dr. Strand advises...

1. Follow a healthy diet that does not spike blood sugar. Generally, 40% to 50% of calories should come from low-glycemic carbohydrates (for more on the glycemic index see Daily Health News, September 20, 2004)... 30% from fat... and 20% to 30% from protein. While you don't need to weigh your food or starve yourself, you do need to make healthy food choices. This means...

Eat good complex carbs such as antioxidant-rich fruits, veggies and whole grains, and avoid high-glycemic carbs that send your blood sugar soaring, including white bread, white rice, highly processed cereal and white potatoes.
Replace the bad saturated and trans-fats in hamburgers and french fries with good alternatives such as monounsaturated fats (for example, olive oil, avocado and macadamia nuts) and essential fatty acids (EFAs), including cold-water fish (salmon, sardines, etc.), flaxseed oil and walnuts.
Choose good sources of protein such as nuts, hard-boiled eggs, avocados, beans, soy, legumes, fowl with the skin removed and cold-water fish. Dr. Strand notes that the poorest sources of protein are red meats and dairy products.

Drink eight to 10 glasses of purified water daily.
Never go hungry. Small, frequent meals will help control spikes in blood sugar. As you feel better, you should decrease meal frequency and increase content. If you're still hungry between meals, snack on an apple, a hard-boiled egg or a handful of raw almonds.

2. Develop a moderate, consistent exercise program. Physical activity is the second step to insulin sensitivity. It doesn't matter what you choose to do, says Dr. Strand. At first, consistency is the most important thing. Your ultimate goal: Gradually work your way up to 30 to 40 minutes of aerobic exercise such as brisk walking five days a week. Every step you take will bring you one step closer to improved insulin sensitivity. To be on the safe side, Dr. Strand recommends consulting your physician before beginning an exercise program.

3. Take high-quality nutritional supplements. To boost cellular nutrition, Dr. Strand recommends taking a high-quality antioxidant with each meal. He explains that we require antioxidants to protect our bodies from oxidative stress and free radical cell damage that lie at the bottom of chronic degenerative diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Dr. Strand in particular recommends vitamins C and E to ward off oxidative stress created by elevated levels of insulin and glucose following a rich meal high in bad fats and carbs (for example, steak and mashed potatoes). Other beneficial supplements are chromium, magnesium and selenium. Consult your physician about exact dosages.

More Effective Than A Pill -- A Healthier Lifestyle

As Dr. Strand sees it, modern medicine relies too much on drugs to control the consequences of elevated insulin levels without addressing the underlying problem: insulin resistance. He speculates that this may be because there is no FDA-approved pill to cure insulin resistance. In the parlance of conventional medicine, where there's no pill, there's no disease.

However, if you follow these three simple steps to a healthier lifestyle, says Dr. Strand, your body will gradually begin to release fat, and you will see triglyceride and blood pressure numbers start to drop. It won't happen overnight, any more than insulin resistance develops overnight... but over the months, you'll find that you feel better overall and have more energy. Without a pill, without drugs or their side effects, you will have taken charge of your health and brought your body back into balance.


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Private Reply to John Escobar

Jan 15, 2006 6:47 amre: Curb the weight gain w/ healthier lifestyle in 2006! Good Tips#

kavitha raj

i have read your article and could'nt agree more with you. the scenario is the same over here in new zealand and the picture is getting more and more ugly, what with children being diagnosed with diabetes, permament obesity related problems. obesity problems in adults is more or less self made, but in children it is us adults who are totally responsible. As a mother, i feel more responsible than anyone else for pushing these children into this mess. as parents, if we could be more concerned about what goes into our child's mouth, lunchbox, and life, most of these problems can be curbed, i am sure.

Private Reply to kavitha raj

Jan 15, 2006 10:30 pmre: re: Curb the weight gain w/ healthier lifestyle in 2006! Good Tips#

Nita Lopez


Estrogen, Progesterone, and Weight Control ????? 


"Estrogens are a group of steroid compounds that function as the primary female sex hormone.  


The three naturally occurring estrogens are estradiol, estriol and estrone.  In the body these are all produced from androgens though enzyme action.  Estradiol is produced from testosterone and estrone from androstenedione. Estrone is weaker than estradiol, and in post-menopausal women more estrone is present than estradiol.  



A range of there synthetic and natural substances have been identified that possess estrogenic activity.  These include biphenol-A, phthalate esters and nonylphenol."


Methyl paraben is another chemical that possess estrogenic activity.  It will bind to estrogen receptors within our bodies.

Estrogen and weight gain 


There is a strong connection between fat and estrogen.  Other than the ovaries, fat is the most significant source in the manufacturing of estrogen in the body.  Women can get caught up in a cycle where increased body fat raises estrogen levels and estrogen increases a tendency to accumulate body fat.  Women have been found to gain an average of 10-15 pounds at menopause as estrogen promotes water

retention.  Low thyroid function can also slow down metabolism and lead to weight gain.  Natural progesterone helps to normalize weight by balancing estrogen dominance.  Natural progesterone makes thyroid hormone receptors more sensitive, thus, aiding thyroid activity in the body.

This is why we need progesterone  


When a woman goes through menopause whether it be natural or

surgical, her estrogen drops 40-60% because we still produce it by

way of body fat, plus it is stored in the bowel and then gets recycled back into the blood stream. Our progesterone, on the other hand, drops to near zero and we no longer produce it anywhere else in our body like we do the estrogen. We may still produce a very tiny amount by way of the adrenal glands, but by the time we enter menopause, our adrenals are fatigued and are no longer operating.


When our estrogen level is higher than our progesterone level, we start seeing all of these symptoms. Estrogen causes water retention and weight gain. Also the more weight we have, the more estrogen we are going to produce. It's a vicious cycle that never ends until we get our progesterone level up and balanced with the estrogen. There are some women who are fortunate and don't gain the extra weight. These women may need to supplement with estrogen, but most of

the time, we have found that progesterone was all they needed. The

reason for this is because progesterone is a precursor to estrogen,

so if the estrogen level is too low, the progesterone will in most

cases go in and wake up the estrogen receptor sites and they start

producing estrogen again and gets the level up to where it needs to



Drs. make the mistake of putting women on more estrogen when their

level is already HIGHER than the progesterone. They'll either put them

on horse urine (Premarin) or estradiol which is the hormone responsible

for causing breast cancer. This is why female cancers are on the rise,

because of what our Drs. are doing to us. The key thing that we want to do, is get our progesterone balanced with the estrogen, by supplementing with a good natural progesterone cream in order to bring back hormonal balance.


Once we supplement with a good natural progesterone cream and get our progesterone level balanced with the estrogen, these symptoms start going away. We start seeing the weight come off, the depression goes away and so on and so forth. I lost a total of 9 pounds my first month, that I got started on the Endau progesterone cream. I went from a size 14 to a size 12. One of the last problems I had was the

afternoon fatigue. That did not go away until I started taking the

Life Enhancer. In fact, just the other day I increased my dosage of

that and the Green Qi and my energy level was out of this world! My

husband asked me why I was so energized and I told him, that I increased my dosages!  The Life Enhancer is an endocrine supporter.

It supports the thyroid, adrenals and other hormones helping them get

back into balance.


It's also important to watch the diet. Cut back on refined carbs,

sugars and caffeine. Also, if you are not on any form of blood

thinner or blood pressure medication, it's good for us to take 400 IU

twice a day of natural vitamin E. (The label needs to say d-alpha)

Also a good B Complex once a day and a good multi-vitamin. The E

helps with hot flashes and night sweats and the B's help get the

hormones back into balance and holds them there.


I have to tell everyone I was a real bad snackaholic! Since starting on the Green QI I don't WANT or crave the sweets. I don't even like the taste of fast food. Exercise is also important.  


Dr. John Lee as well as other noted health care providers state that natural progesterone helps us lose weight.  In addition to progesterone however, proper diet and exercise are also very important contributors.

In my opinion, if you will use the Green Qi to maintain a healthy PH balance and use the Endau Progesterone Cream to maintain a healthy hormonal balance your weight should become normal.

If you are under allot of stress, this too can cause weight gain. I use Life Enhancer for stress in addition the the Green Qi and the Endau. I have seen my snack habit go away, my

weight is staying off and with out "fad" diets.  Neways also has a product called Promass that is effective in assisting in weight loss, if you feel you would like a little jump start!


Neways ProMass - Here's just a little bit about what it does:

Liquifies fatty deposits and increases metabolic rate, enabling the body to more easily consume stored fats as energy, while maintaining body tones.


Today scientific and nutritional studies indicate that low-fat and fat-free diets do not necessarily result in fat reduction and healthy bodies. Many weight-conscious individuals now recognize the importance of certain `good fats' in maintaining healthy body weight and promoting youthful metabolic function. The exclusion of certain animal fats may leave one significant nutritional gap by practically eliminating conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), a powerful fatty acid. Because the primary dietary sources of CLA are red meat and full-fat dairy products, health-conscious individuals may get little of this precious substance. Few sources of CLA have been available until recently.


ProMass contains isolated CLA in its purest form and provides the body with unique health-supporting benefits. CLA has become widely recognized for its ability to aid weight management and is best known for helping to reduce body fat and increase muscle tissue.


ProMass also contains Borage oil, the richest, natural source of Gamma Linolenic Acid (GLA). Research has shown that GLA has a wide variety of health benefits.



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Private Reply to Nita Lopez

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