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~Recommendations for Hormonal Balance~Views: 1987
Oct 15, 2005 12:02 am~Recommendations for Hormonal Balance~#

Nita Lopez
~Recommendations for Hormonal Balance~

Balancing the hormones can be a challenge for some women. Below are a few guidelines to help you achieve this balance. There is an 80-90% success rate with using natural progesterone cream, but if everyone would follow these recommendations, that success rate would be closer to 100%.

· Follow dosing instructions religiously and be consistent. Keep in mind that when we first introduce natural progesterone to our body, it can cause the estrogen to spike trying to remain dominant, when this happens, your symptoms can get worse in the beginning, but if you are consistent and keep on with the cream, the estrogen will calm down, allowing the progesterone level to come up and the symptoms will go away. Results vary from person to person. So don’t go by the results of one person. Results have been seen as soon as a few days, but the average is approx. one month or longer.

· Places of Application: Face, upper chest, inner arms from wrist to armpit, behind knees, tops of feet. If the breasts are tender you can apply it there, but do not use that as your regular place of application. The face is a great place to apply it before bedtime. It’s a great face moisturizer, plus it helps promote sleep.

· Vitamins are important for hormonal balance: 400 IU twice a day of natural vitamin E. The label must say d-alpha. If you are on blood pressure meds or blood thinners, you only need to take 200 IU twice a day, or consult your Dr. to see what he/she recommends. Vitamin E is a natural blood thinner, so we don’t want your blood to become too thin. Also take one good B Complex a day along with a good multi-vitamin.

· Diet and exercise is very important for hormonal balance. Cut back on refined carbs, sugars and caffeine. Exercise at least 30 minutes a day. A brisk 30 min. walk does wonders. If you just can NOT give up your regular coffee, ask Rose about the Healthy Coffee or Cocoa. It is an awesome coffee and cocoa that gives energy as if it were loaded with caffeine, but it’s organic and good for you without the caffeine.

· Things that Hinder the Process: Do not take any form of Phyto-estrogens while using natural progesterone. If we are already estrogen dominant,(meaning our estrogen is higher than our progesterone) we do not want to take things that will stimulate our estrogen and allow it to rise even higher, making it difficult for the progesterone level to come up. Phyto-estrogens are: Black Cohosh, Dong Quai, Red Clover, Licorice Root and Siberian Ginseng. Also, if a woman is taking Tamoxifen, the cream will not work because this medication is occupying the receptor sites that the progesterone needs to get into.

· If a woman has a lot of stress in her life, it causes the cortisol to shoot up and take over the progesterone receptor site, which then makes it difficult for the progesterone to get in and do what it needs to do. Do whatever you can to lower the stress level in your life. Taking lots of other medications can also slow the process down. Just give your body time to adjust and don’t give up.

· Hormone Disruptors: Chemicals used in our everyday personal care products are disrupting our hormones. Products with Sodium Lauryl Sulfate and Propylene Glycol are very dangerous ingredients and disrupt the hormones in a bad way. Sodium Lauryl Sulfate is a foaming agent that is used to degrease airplane engines and garage floors. Propylene Glycol is the main ingredient used in Anti-freeze, de-icers and brake fluid and we are putting these chemicals on our body! Go check the label on your toothpaste box, deodorant, shampoos, conditioners and lotions. Other hormone disruptors are gas fumes, insecticides, pesticides and herbicides. We live in a toxic world, so it will be difficult to completely stay away from all of these, but a good start would be to convert your bathroom with non-toxic personal care products. Rose can help you with that.

· Low Thyroid can also be an issue when trying to balance out the hormones. It can cause weight gain. If you do have a thyroid condition, ask your Dr. to prescribe you Armour Thyroid. This is a natural thyroid that addresses all of the thyroid hormones and works so much better than the synthetic thyroid meds. The synthetic meds will only make it more difficult for you to lose weight. It will actually cause you to GAIN the weight. When having the thyroid tested, ask for the Free T3, Free T4 and TSH levels to be tested. Most Drs. will only test the Free T4 and TSH. You cannot get an accurate reading with just those two tests. Anti-depressants will also cause weight gain. Once you get your progesterone level up, you will find that you can then start weaning yourself from any anti-depressants.

· Weight loss results vary. As long as you stay on the cream to keep your hormones balanced and you follow these guidelines, your weight should continue to come off until your body says “that’s enough.” Sometimes the weight will stop, but the inches may continue to drop.

· Give the cream at least 3-6 months to work before giving up. If you do not see ANY results, there may be other things going on in your body, such as, your skin may not be absorbing the cream. If this is the case, try using a natural loofa sponge when bathing to get the dead skin off of your body. If this does not work, you will need to ask your Dr. for Prometrium. This is the oral form of natural progesterone.

· Estrogen Supplementation: If you are on the thin side and do not have excess weight and you’re not seeing results, you may require estrogen. The safest form to supplement with is estriol. Your Dr. can prescribe this to you and can be gotten from a Compounding Pharmacy.

· Hormone Testing: The best way to test your hormones, is to have saliva testing done. Most Drs. do not do this, but there are a few who do. If you cannot find anyone in your area to do it, you can go to www.salivatest.com and order the tests. They will send the tests for you to do and then you send them back and they will send you the results. You can then take those results to your Dr. and he can prescribe whatever estrogen you need, but you only want to use natural estrogen. It comes in 3 forms: Estriol, Bi-Est and Tri-Est. This is ONLY as a last resort IF the cream does not work. Natural progesterone is a precursor to estrogen, so if the estrogen is too low, the progesterone will in most cases go in and wake up the estrogen receptor sites allowing the levels to rise where they need to be.


Nita Lopez

Private Reply to Nita Lopez


Nita Lopez

It's difficult to describe the relief that women feel when they balance their hormones
and come out of the ill effects of premenopause syndrome. One of the best
descriptions we've read comes from a woman named Linda, who has turned
a longer version of the following letter into a brochure and is handing it out to
any woman who will take it:
Mood swings, chronic fatigue, foggy thinking, depression, leg cramps,
migraine headaches, heavy painful periods, anemia, endometriosis, shooting back
and extremity pain, water retention and bloating, sleep dysfunction, anxiety
attacks, thinning hair, allergies, chronic sinus infections, fever blisters,
acne, dry skin, infertility, hypoglycemic symptoms and fibroids are only a few
of the many symptoms that dominated my life for almost two years.

Those years were so challenging physically and emotionally, I thought I'd
never survive! At the age of 30, doctors were giving me every conflicting
diagnosis in the world, taking my money for doing so, and yet leaving me
without any help or suggestions for getting help. I saw gynecologists,
endocrinologists, dermatologists, neurologists, and assorted other "-ologists."
Their comments ranged from, "The tests show that you are perfectly healthy. It
must be in your head, take this Xanax," to "Something is definitely wrong, but
I don't know what it is." Emotionally I felt like I was on the verge of a
mental breakdown. I felt very alone.

Finally I drove four hours to see a specialist who put me on synthetic
estrogen, progesterone and testosterone. At first, I felt so good I thought
this was the miracle for which I had been praying. But within two years of
starting this treatment the symptoms came back. The doctor's answer was to
continue increasing my dosage until I was at the maximum level: six implants,
the patch and shots in-between. I went from seeing him every six months to
every three months. The hormones were only effective for two months and the
last month before I could get back for more implants I felt emotionally and
physically as if I had been thrown off a ten-story building. For six years I
lived my life surviving from office visit to office visit. I was having constant
back pain, heavy bleeding, anemia and varying degrees of all my old
symptoms, some worse than before. My pap smears began indicating pre-cancerous
cells. This went on for about a year before I finally agreed to have a
hysterectomy. The surgery alleviated the bleeding, anemia and back pain for
obvious reasons -- my uterus was three times its normal size and density!
However, all the other symptoms continued.

It was three years after my surgery before I learned about natural
progesterone and began using it. After a brief period of withdrawal from
synthetic hormones, the only hormone I have used during the past four years is

a natural progesterone cream. I also have combined this with a balanced diet,
exercise and nutritional supplements. My life has changed dramatically. Today,
I feel like I did when I was in my twenties: I have energy; can think clearly;
no depression; my skin is wonderful; I am losing weight; can sleep at night; no
more migraines; my hair has stopped falling out; the dark facial hair is
disappearing; and my allergies have disappeared. No more antihistamines! This
is the answer to my prayers. My family is glad to have the "real me" back.

It's sad to say that Linda's story is not all that unusual. It is very common to
hear stories from women whose symptoms are less severe, but who are
suffering from similar problems. Dr. Lee has been (wrongly) accused of talking
only about natural progesterone cream as if it is the magic solution to a
woman's every problem, but this letter demonstrates why. Progesterone cream is
certainly not a magic potion. But it is the best remedy we've found so far to
counteract the effects of living in a state of xenohormone excess. We do not
naturally need to supplement progesterone. Mother Nature has equipped us to
live a long, healthy robust life given a wholesome environment. If we were
living in a stress-free, unpolluted world; if we were eating whole, fresh
organic foods; and if we got plenty of outdoor exercise, we probably wouldn't
ever need progesterone.

Nita Lopez

Private Reply to Nita Lopez

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