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Chemicals and our bodiesViews: 244
Jun 16, 2008 4:49 pm Chemicals and our bodies

Nita Lopez
Hello Everyone,

As most of you know, I have been recovering from surgery and doing quite well with the surgery. The problem is the medication going in to my spinal fluid. The doctor is don’t know if I am over medicated or under medicated. So for right now, it’s a wait and see what happens. At the moment I can’t be out very much with the out a major headache and tingly, burning, and weak arms and legs. other then that I am doing great.

While being in bed a lot, I have been reading a book called home safe home by Debra Dade. I absolutely love this book. Here are a few quotes out of a few of the pages I’ve been reading. I hope you enjoy learning the information that has enlightened me.

On page 23, the title what our bodies do with toxic chemicals: once a toxic chemical enters your body, many different processes may occur. Toxic chemicals rarely stay localized at their site of entry. Body fluids usually pick them up and carry them to all different parts of the body.

The body has many ways to eliminate the toxic chemicals that may cause you harm. Many symptoms we of as toxic effects ---- such as sweating, vomiting, diarrhea, excessive urination, and mucous membrane secretions --- or all the body at work to remove substances that do not belong in it.

The liver can make many toxic chemicals harmless, but its ability to do so is greatly affected by the relationship between the size of the liver and the exposure (a child, for example, has less capacity than an adult), a health of the liver and how much the liver has to work to detoxify the body. The liver can handle an occasional exposure to toxic chemicals but frequent exposure stresses the liver and makes it less effective. The liver may also be damaged by alcohol and certain drugs, making it less able to process toxic substances. The body’s immune system, white blood cells, and enzymes also help in detoxification.

If the body can’t eliminate or detoxify toxic substances fast enough, it will store them in the adipose fat tissue, bones, cell membranes, and various organs. Later, they may be released in response to circumstances such as stress, weight loss, fasting, or be dislodged by other chemicals. Chemicals are also stored in hormone receptor sites in endocrine glands. They stay within the body, disrupting hormone communication between glands, unless they are removed with specific techniques.

The body has the ability to alter toxic chemicals to increase or decrease their effects or to totally change their effects. What makes toxic effects oh unpredictable is that chemicals inside the body can react with other chemicals that enter the body at the same time, or is that previously entered and were stored. A well known example is alcoholic beverages and tranquilizers, but reactions can also occur between a cleaning product any pesticide, were even something as seemingly insignificant as a food additive.

What I find it so hard to understand, is the FDA not making companies label our products with All ingredients and put warning labels. Has anyone ever read the box on crest? There is a warning, that if a child under the age of six swallows more than what is needed for brushing call poison control. I remember when my little ones started brushing their teeth and they would suck all the toothpaste off for the toothbrush and of course want more. Did I know any better as a young mom? Absolutely not, no one told me, and I never stopped to read the box or labels. This was something I was never taught.

I would like to know how you are cleaning out the chemicals in your homes? What new things are you learning about the food we are eating? What are some of the ideas do you have on cleaning your homes? All of these answers, will help take the toxic load off of your body’s and your families bodies.

-- Few things in life are not negotiable,your health is one of them
Blessings, Nita

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