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Anti-Aging Benefits of Natural ProgesteroneViews: 325
Jul 13, 2006 4:51 am Anti-Aging Benefits of Natural Progesterone

Nita Lopez

Anti-Aging Benefits of Natural Progesterone

1. Progesterone is a primary precursor in the biosynthesis of the
adrenal corticosteroids. Without adequate progesterone,
synthesis of the cortisones is impaired and the body turns to
alternate pathways. These alternate pathways have masculine-
producing side effects such as long facial hairs and thinning of
scalp hair. Further impaired corticosteroid production results in
a decrease in the ability to handle stress, e.g., surgery, trauma
or emotional stress.

2. Many peri- or post-menopausal women with clinical signs of
hypothyroidism, such as fatigue, lack of energy, intolerance to
cold, are actually suffering from unrecognized estrogen
dominance and will benefit from supplementation with natural

3. Estrogen and most of the synthetic progestins increase
intracellular sodium and water uptake. The ef fect of this is
hypertension. Natural progesterone is a natural diuretic and
prevents the cell's uptake of sodium and water, thus preventing

4. Whereas estrogen impairs homeostatic control of glucose
levels, natural progesterone stabilizes them. Thus, natural
progesterone can be beneficial to both those with diabetes and
those with reactive hypoglycemia. Estrogen should be
contraindicated in patients with diabetes.

5. Thinning and wrinkled skin is a sign of lack of hydration in the
skin. It is common in peri- and post-menopausal women and is
a sure sign of hormone depletion. Transdermal natural
progesterone is a skin moisturizer which restores skin

6. Progesterone serves a role in keeping brain cells healthy. A
disorder such as premature senility (Alzheimer's disease) may
be, at least in part, another example of disease secondary to
progesterone deficiency.

7. Progest erone is essential for the healthy development of the
myelin sheath which protects the nerve cells. Low progesterone
levels lead to recurring aches and pains.

8. Progesterone creates and promotes an enhanced sense of
emotional well being and psychological self-sufficiency.

9. Progesterone is responsible for enhancing the libido

-- Few things in life are not negotiable,your health is one of them
Blessings, Nita

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