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Wow! was I surprised!!Views: 337
Jun 03, 2006 8:41 pm Wow! was I surprised!!

Nita Lopez

I absolutely love this company!!! There has been talk about Fluoride and so I called Neways about the Maximol. I use Maximol to help me with my seritona up-take and I am slowely getting off Zoloft! I feel better now, than 6 years ago! Here is the reply from Daniel.


Here's the information I promised to send in regards to the fluoride in Maximol Solutions.

Please see the information below on the inclusion of naturally occurring fluoride in our Maximol Mineral Matrix:




Fluoride, especially that used to fluoridate municipal water supplies, as well as that added to toothpastes is a discharge from aluminum and fertilizer manufacturing processes.  Fluoridation (added fluoride) of municipal water supplies is unnecessary, ineffective, and at times can be harmful if fluorisis (fluoride toxicity) occurs.

Fluoride also occurs naturally in soils.  There are many areas such as mountainous areas, or high alkaline soils deposited on prehistoric lake beds, which are rich in minerals and trace minerals where commercialized agriculture is many times not feasible, and most of the time impossible.  These areas contain naturally occurring deposits, which are eroded as ground water seeps into the deep sub-terranean aquifers which feed mountain springs as well as municipal water wells.  Plants take these trace minerals into them and they become part of the plant, fruit, whatever part it is that we eat.  

Maximol Solutions is produced using mineral sources that has this naturally-occurring fluoride in it.

There are two sides to the mineral debate.  On the one hand all elements can be considered toxic if taken to excess, while on the other hand, the human body requires many of these same elements to function properly.  Fluoride is naturally occurring in the mineral salt deposits where we get the Maximol Mineral Matrix.  This is not harmful in trace amounts--in fact your body needs these elements in miniscule, trace amounts.  As a comparison, one grain of salt is about 60mcg.  If you were to take a grain of salt and divide it 60,000 times, just one of those microscopic particles would still be more than the amount of naturally-occurring fluoride in 1/2 ounce of Maximol Solutions.  

Our Research & Development staff have commented as follows:

Fluoride is uncommon in most rocks, but is often found in earth-crust mineral deposits.[i]  Fluoride is present in minute amounts in most living things, including humans.  In its natural state (such as mineral deposits), fluoride is always strongly associated with other minerals.  One of the worlds greatest mineral deposits is ancient Lake Bonneville, of the Great Basin (mostly in Utah).  Neways obtains the important trace minerals for Maximol from this source.



Natural sources of minerals are complexed to fluoride which means the fluoride is bound to other minerals. The other minerals in the complex, such as calcium, provide important health benefits...



...Maximol [does] contain... low levels of natural fluoride in parts per billion.  This is almost undetectable to any instrument except some high-tech instruments now available. However, Neways does not advocate adding fluoride as a separate ingredient in any form. The extremely small amount of fluoride found naturally in daily doses of Maximol will not significantly add to the... doses of fluoride that people [already] unknowingly consume every day in drinking water, beverages, and some dental supplies..."







[i] http://crustal.usgs.gov/projects/aqueous_geochemistry/task2.html


[ii] Becker P. 1989. Phosphates and phosphoric acid: raw materials, technology and economics of the wet process.


[iii] Polomski J, et al. J Environ Qual 1982;11:452-56. Fluoride-induced mobilization and leaching of organic matter, iron and aluminum.


[iv]  Mellberg JR. Compend Contin Educ Dent 1997;18(2 Spec No):37-43. The mechanism of fluoride protection.


Neways Product Specialists




-- Few things in life are not negotiable,your health is one of them
Blessings, Nita

Private Reply to Nita Lopez (new win)

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